All of my life, nighttime has been my favorite time. I’m most at peace, most relaxed and myself at night, when the world has gone to bed. When there is no more work, no chores or errands, and the phone can safely be ignored. Loved ones sleep soundly, needing nothing from me, and I am free to write, to read, to watch old movies, to unwind completely, stay up late in the quiet dark, and simply be.
But the number one signal/trigger of a bipolar episode is disturbed
sleep. My respite has consequences.
So now my sleep hygiene (such a Dr. Kellogg kind of term) is
perfect. A good eight hours every night (drug induced if need be). No caffeine
after three, if at all. No alcohol. No wild nights out.
The choice is follow the routine or lose even more days to
the disorder.
Be good or else.
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