There are plenty of lists of things that are unhelpful to say to people who have bipolar (links at end), and there’s no need to repeat them here. Instead, I’ll cathartically list my personal pet peeves.
1. Bipolar people are so creative. I wish I had bipolar.
Fuck dude. No, you really don’t. That creative window
(before becoming completely dysfunctional) is an obsessive task master that
destroys whatever structure and relationships you’ve built. Then there’s the
frequent depression and the increased likelihood of suicide. So, thanks for
minimizing my experience, but it’s really not worth it.
2. Can you channel it? / I bet your house is so clean.
What? This one always come in response to hypo/mania. And
no, I can’t channel it. And no, my house isn’t clean. If anything, it’s even
more of a wreck. I don’t get to choose what my brain fixates on when I’m
hypomanic. I can’t magically decide to use my “extra energy” on domestic
projects (nor would I). Trash everything in my closet and start several
projects I’ll never finish, yes. A gleaming kitchen, not so much.
3. Other people have it worse.
Holy shit you guys. I get it—I have chronic physical pain
and the downward comparison of “Other people have it worse” can help at times. If
they can get through it, I can get through it too. But when it’s mental, it’s
different. Here’s what I hear: other people have it worse but they don’t blow
up their jobs or want to kill themselves, so I must be weak and a failure. That
might not be what you mean, but to me, that’s what you’re saying.
There are a bunch of others, and I hope you’ll take a second
to check out some of the other lists like this
one, or this one,
or this
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